Reflection of my soul #3

As I stand here on the beach looking at the two mesmerising Suns. (Why two? One in the sky and other in the sea due to its reflection)

Slowly and gradually they get towards each other, trying to know each other in a better way. Their palms meet, then their brains, and when their hearts meet, both look as one in a never ending ocean as a never ending pair. This is the moment two bodies come together as one; into each other. 

They get into each other, and further into each other. And at last when their souls meet, both of them disappear. They disappear in a world no one knows, no one goes. 

What is life then?


7 thoughts on “Reflection of my soul #3

  1. A very captivating read.
    I truly enjoyed watching the suns with you.
    Of all the sunsets I have witnessed,
    I have not envisioned the two suns meetings
    as you have written. They sure do meet!
    Thank you for finding my blog and the follow.
    I am gladly following you back.

    Liked by 1 person

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